Our highlighted clients include…
Urban Commons sought to build a large senior care facility on the site of an existing Korean food restaurant. Given the sensitive political nature of the issue, Collaborate was able to navigate the local sensitivities and do outreach in the face of local opposition.
Urban Commons
NoHo Arts District Mixed-Use
Collaborate’s client purchased a 1960’s era bank building in the Arts District of North Hollywood with plans to develop it into a multi-use property. Collaborate work with the client, the local government and the community to address local concerns and helped avoid the property being nominated for a “Historic-Cultural Monument '' which would have effectively the project.
Suffolk, a national building contractor with $4.5 billion an annual revenue, sought to expand it’s footprint in the LA market and throughout California. Collaborate assisted the company in connecting with the right stakeholders and community leaders in Los Angeles and worked to facilitate the right kind of interactions for Suffolk to accomplish its local and statewide goals.